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Deuteronomy Reading Guide

1:1-5 Introduction

Moses’ opening speech Chapters 1-11

Chapters 1-3 - Summarize the story so far

Chapters 4-11 - Moses calls the new generation to covenant faithfulness

Chapters 12-26 - Collection of the Laws

Chapters 12-16a

Chapters 16b-18 - Character qualities of Israel’s leaders: Elders, priests, kings

Israel’s leaders were subordinate to the Law and the Prophets.

Chapters 19-26

Chapters 27-34 - Moses final speech and death

Chapters 27-30 - Warning and ultimatum

Chapters 31-34

Tips for reading these laws:

Extra Credit

How does Paul the apostle do this in 1 Corinthians 9:1-12? In verse 9 he quotes a law from Deuteronomy 25:4. How does he apply it to himself and the Corinthians.