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Numbers Reading Guide



Numbers 1 - 10 At Mt. Sinai

Census - numbering of the tribes

Arranging of the tribes in the camp

Expansion of the ritual purity laws from Leviticus

Numbers 10-12 Traveling from Sinai to Paran

Travel from Sinai to Paran - about halfway to the promised land

People complain about lack of food and water

Moses’ own family, Miriam and Aaron, criticize and oppose him

Numbers 13-19 Camped in the wilderness of Paran

The spies are sent into the promised land - 10 return with a negative report; only two return with a positive report.

The people are convinced by the negative reports and they want to reject Moses and choose a new leader who will take them back to Egypt.

Moses intercedes for the people. God keeps his promise to take Abraham’s descendants to the promised land, but it will not be the generation that has complained and rebelled.

Levite rebellion

Numbers 20-21 Traveling from Paran to Horeb

The people again complain about the lack of water.

God tells Moses to speak to a rock to bring water

Moses, angry at the people, goes beyond God’s instruction, striking the rock and partially taking credit for the water himself.

The people rebelled again bringing the snake judgment, but also through his mercy he provides a way to life.

Numbers 22-36 Camped in the plains of Moab

Where did the Israelites camp?

King of Moab and Balaam (Chapters 22-25)

How does God protect the people during this time?

What is Balaam’s vision about the future of God’s people?

The next generation (Chapters 26-36)

The next generation prepares to enter the promised land 

They win a few battles with the people around them.

A few tribes even begin to settle in the promised land.