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Leviticus Reading Guide

Ritual - Chapters 1-7

5 main types of sacrifice

“Thank you” - “I’m sorry”

What are the five types of sacrifice?

Priests - Chapters 8-10

8-9 - Aaron and his sons ordained

10 - The sons violate God’s holiness and die

What did the sons do wrong?

Purity - Chapters 11-15

Ritual purity of the people

Impure - pure; unclean - clean

What made someone unclean?

How does purity relate to Life and Death?

Day of Atonement - Chapters 16-17

Why do you think the Day of Atonement was given a central place?

What were the purposes for the two goats?

What does this have to do with Jesus?

Purity - Chapters 18-20

Moral purity of the people

What are some of the categories of moral purity described here?

Priests - Chapters 21-22

Qualifications for being a priest

Highest level of moral integrity and ritual holiness

Why did the priests have a higher standard than the people?

Ritual - Chapters 23-25

Seven annual feasts

Remembering their exodus

What were the seven feasts?

Moses’ call to covent faithfulness - Chapters 26-27

What two concepts did Moses talk about?


Compare Leviticus 1:1 and Numbers 1:1

What is the difference?

Some material adapted from
